Cozy starlit tales under the Ayuma Moon
In the mystical world of Ayuma, beneath the ancient tree that glows softly beside a shimmering waterfall, young fairies gather for a cosy night. Twinkling lights illuminate their faces as they share tales of old, weaving stories of magic and mystery with the whispers of the forest. The fairies’ wings flicker like tiny stars, the night deepens, enriching their bonds under the enchanted canopy.
Christmas Magic in Playmobil Town
In PLAYMOBIL Town, the first snowfall signals the start of holiday cheer as families gather to decorate the towering Christmas tree in the town square. Each ornament tells a story, from enchanting princesses to daring knights, reflecting the imaginative world of PLAYMOBIL. As Christmas carols fill the air, kids eagerly open their PLAYMOBIL advent calendars, unwrapping a new surprise each day. The excitement builds with every figure, setting the stage for a magical holiday season brimming with creativity and joy.
Inspiration: who to buy for
PLAYMOBIL Pirate adventures
In the shimmering waters of PLAYMOBIL Ocean, the Captain and his crew set sail on their mighty ship, seeking hidden treasures and uncharted islands. As they navigate through mysterious fog and evade rivals, the young pirates learn the ways of the sea, using maps marked with ancient symbols. Their journey is filled with thrilling encounters and legendary battles, where teamwork and bravery turn every young mate into a hero of the high seas.